TV411's Dictionary Wizards explore words with more than one meaning.
Two Scrabble players give Question Man (Joey Kola) strategies for choosing a dictionary.
TV411's Dictionary Wizards show how to look up a word that you know how to spell.
TV411's Dictionary Wizards show how to look up a word that you don't know how to spell.
TV411's Dictionary Wizards find words in English that have origins in other languages.
An adult learner shows how to expand your vocabulary.
TV411's Dictionary Wizards figure out the multiple meanings of a word and pick the definition that works in a specific situation.
To avoid using the same word over and over in a letter, TV411's Dictionary Wizards consult a thesaurus.
A medic shows a good technique for learning new words.
Poet Stephen Coleman explains compound words and phrases.
In this music video, the group Betty sings about sound-alike words.
Pat Blackwell improves her reading skills in order to become a nurse.
Question Man (Joey Kola) shops for pre-cooked shrimp and prefixes.
Question Man (Joey Kola) asks his girlfriend about suffixes and commitment.
Poet Stephen Coleman explains the uses of synonyms and antonyms.