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Dictionary & Thesaurus

Dictionary & Thesaurus

  1. Video: Right Definition

    TV411's Dictionary Wizards explore words with more than one meaning.

  2. Video: Choose a Dictionary

    Two Scrabble players give Question Man (Joey Kola) strategies for choosing a dictionary.

  3. Video: Find a Word You Can Spell

    TV411's Dictionary Wizards show how to look up a word that you know how to spell.

  4. Video: Find a Word You Can't Spell

    TV411's Dictionary Wizards show how to look up a word that you don't know how to spell.

  5. Video: Foreign Words

    TV411's Dictionary Wizards find words in English that have origins in other languages.

  6. Video: Learning New Words

    An adult learner shows how to expand your vocabulary.

  7. Video: Multiple Meanings

    TV411's Dictionary Wizards figure out the multiple meanings of a word and pick the definition that works in a specific situation.

  8. Video: What's a Thesaurus?

    To avoid using the same word over and over in a letter, TV411's Dictionary Wizards consult a thesaurus.