
Tune in to Learning

Parts of a Newspaper


Reading the newspaper, in print or online, is easy to manage if you use sections, headlines, and captions to guide you. It's just a matter of figuring out what sections of the paper interest you most--and what you want to learn.

In this lesson you:
  • Learned where to find what you're looking for in the newspaper
  • Read headlines to predict what articles were about and where they were likely to appear in the paper
  • Matched pictures with the right captions
On your own:
  • Watch the news on TV or listen to the news on the radio. Take note of the subjects that interest you. Look for stories about these subjects in the newspaper, where you’ll find more details and discussion.
  • Circle headlines on the front page of your favorite newspaper. Can you guess what the stories will be about before you read them?
  • In your favorite section of the newspaper, study captions. Which captions give you details not included in the actual stories?