
Tune in to Learning

Math and Science Skills Index

The Language Arts and the Math and Science Skills Indexes are designed to help you integrate the TV411 videos, web lessons, and print downloads into your classroom's curriculum. Use the dropdown menu below to browse the full catalog of our math and science materials by the skill or content area they address.

Skill/Content: Money Management
Type Description Skill/Content
Video Video: Change Adds Up

A worker shows how small change can add up to big savings.

Money Management
Video Video: Credit Card Interest

TV411's math mavens offer tips on how to keep credit card compund interest payments to a minimum.

Money Management
Video Video: Credit Card Offer

TV411 looks at the fine print in a "too good to be true" credit card offer.

Money Management
Video Video: Fine Print

A math-savvy woman helps her aunt compare the cost of investment offers.

Money Management
Video Video: Mutual Funds Graph

A careful investor uses a graph to track how her mutual funds are doing.

Money Management
Video Video: Paycheck

Laverne (Liz Torres) helps a coworker figure out the percentage deducted from her paycheck for taxes.

Money Management
Video Video: Pyramid Schemes

A federal con-buster reveals the math behind common money scams.

Money Management
Video Video: Rent to Own?

Question Man (Joey Kola) visits an appliance store and does the math to figure out the better deal:  rent-to-own or save to buy.

Money Management
Video Video: Retirement Saving

TV411's math-minded women explore strategies for building up their long-term savings.

Money Management
Video Video: Simple Savings

A worker offers tips on how to set up an automatic savings plan.

Money Management
