
Tune in to Learning

Language Arts Skills Index

The Language Arts and the Math and Science Skills Indexes are designed to help you integrate the TV411 videos, web lessons, and print downloads into your classroom's curriculum. Use the dropdown menu below to browse the full catalog of our language arts materials by the skill or content area they address.

Skill/Content: Health Literacy
Type Description Skill/Content
Print Lesson Preguntas para Su Doctor

Haz clic en el título para descargar la hoja de ejercicio.

Health Literacy
Print Lesson Realidades de los Medicamentos

Haz clic en el título para descargar la hoja de ejercicio.

Health Literacy
Video Manejando Medicamentos Múltiples Health Literacy
Video Tomando la Medicina con Seguridad Health Literacy
Video Video: Medical Words

Pat Blackwell improves her reading skills in order to become a nurse.

Health Literacy
Video Video: Medicine Labels

Laverne (Liz Torres) dispenses sound advice about reading over-the-counter medicine labels and prescription instructions.

Health Literacy
Skill/Content: Main Idea, Prediction, and Inference
Type Description Skill/Content
Lesson Strategies for Better Reading

Reading, just like playing a sport, improves with practice. Good readers use strategies, or techniques, that help them understand and remember what they’re reading.

Main Idea, Prediction, and Inference
Lesson Summarizing

Good books, articles, and movies are full of interesting details. But when you’re discussing them with a friend, you want to make a long story short. In other words, you summarize.

Main Idea, Prediction, and Inference
Print Lesson Tackling Multiple Choice

Click on the title to download the worksheet.

Main Idea, Prediction, and Inference
Video Video: Summarizing

A cop on the beat demonstrates the art of summarizing.

Main Idea, Prediction, and Inference
